Breaking Through Imposter Syndrome: How Women In Tech Can Overcome Self-Doubt
Shattering the Glass Ceiling: Women in Tech Conquering Imposter Syndrome
The rise of the tech industry has seen a surge of women entering the field and making their mark. Over the years, while mentoring and coaching several engineers in my career, I have met women engineers who experienced Imposter syndrome despite being successful. Everyone’s journey is unique, and one solution for all is impossible. Based on my experience mentoring engineers, I want to share some strategies to help overcome imposter syndrome. Given the existing market conditions, it is essential to build the muscle of self-confidence and not fall into the trap of imposter syndrome.
Imposter syndrome is a feeling that you are not qualified or experienced enough to be successful in your job, even when you have the skills and experience to do the job. Studies have shown that Imposter syndrome is a common issue faced by many women in the tech industry. If not addressed, it can impact the career as it can cause self-doubt, low self-esteem, and lack of confidence.
Even Beyoncé, despite her tremendous success in the music field, had imposter syndrome. In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, she spoke about how she surrounds herself with people she trusts and who have her best interests at heart. In her documentary Homecoming, she talked about the pressure she felt to be perfect during her Coachella performance. However, she realized that being vulnerable and showing her imperfections made her performance so powerful. By surrounding herself with a supportive team and embracing her vulnerability, she did overcome her doubts and insecurities.
Here’s another scenario based on my personal experience. One of my mentees has become an Engineering manager at a top software company. She evaded delegating work as she felt people would think she had no skills to complete the task. She avoided presentations because of her fear of getting exposed. Despite being well-informed and well-intentioned, she second-guessed her decisions. She constantly felt she lacked the skills and experience to be successful in her new position. She asked me to support her. Together we went through her accomplishments to date as a technical lead. It gave her the required confidence. We also made it a point to recognize and celebrate small milestones achieved by her as a new manager. She also worked on reframing negative self-talk while focusing on her superpowers. She recognized her skills through these mechanisms and moved forward with more confidence.
Imposter syndrome is not a sign of weakness or a lack of confidence. It is a normal reaction to success. With the right resources and strategies, overcoming imposter syndrome is possible.
Building resilience will help in overcoming imposter syndrome. Below are some tips that can help:
Celebrate accomplishments: Reflect on past achievements and celebrate success, big or small. It will help in building self-confidence.
Build a support network: Find mentors and coaches who can offer advice and support. Reach out to friends and coworkers to get recommendations for mentors or coaches. Attending industry events and conferences is also a great way to meet potential mentors or coaches who can spend time on your career and goals.
Set the goals: Set realistic goals that can be easily tracked and managed by breaking them into smaller ones. For instance, instead of setting the goal to improve public speaking skills, set a goal to give three presentations per quarter.
Invest in yourself: Involve in activities that make you feel relaxed and confident. Investing in oneself is an ongoing process and requires a commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement. Reading books like Own Your Greatness, Presence by Amy Cuddy, and The Confidence Code is the most popular way to acquire skills. Almost all great leaders spend time reading. Other avenues can be attending relevant workshops or conferences.
If you are struggling with imposter syndrome, remember you are not alone. Many successful women have experienced it too. It’s important to be kind to yourself and recognize your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. So, kick start your journey today by taking action and investing in yourself. Whether attending a workshop, finding a mentor, or simply reading a book on the subject, the first step is always the hardest but also the most important.